
Dotted bonds chem draw
Dotted bonds chem draw

dotted bonds chem draw

Throughout your course when you're looking chemical reactions. It contains the same information as our Lewis dot structure does. Pairs of electrons on the oxygen and we have our bond line structure. So, we take out those Cs and I'll leave off the lone Not drawing the Cs in here because it can get kinda confusing. We can leave out those carbons, right? So, the carbons are still there. And this carbon is bonded to an oxygen, and this oxygen is bonded to a hydrogen. And now we have our threeĬarbons drawn like that. The carbon hydrogen bonds so we're going to ignore Carbon is still bonded to these hydrogens but we're going to ignore themįor our bond line structure. If you were to draw everyĬarbon hydrogen bond in organic chemistry class So, when you're drawingĪ bond line structure and you have a carbon chain you wanna show that carbonĬhain in a zig zag pattern. You can see there's aīend to them like that. Those carbons are not inĪ perfectly straight line. Right does a little bit better job of showing what the molecule looks like in reality. If you look at the drawing on the left it implies that these three carbons are in a perfectly straight line but the drawing on the So, let's start this video by taking this Lewis dot structure and turning into a bond line structure. However we didn't have time to talk about bond line structure. >From this Lewis dot structure we looked at other ways to In the previous video we started with the molecular formula C3H8O and we looked at one of the possible Lewis dot structures that you can draw that has that molecular formula.

Dotted bonds chem draw